Since 9/11/2001 we’ve been Living in an epoch, that warrants that we be vigilant, not just in the geopolitical arena in choosing our Leaders, but also in the Christian Arena as well. We’re living in an era that the times are precarious that we need to scrutinize in whom we pledge allegiance to, whether in our geopolitically Leaders or the Presbytery or otherwise––Discernment is paramount like never before, because the hour that we are living are evil and nefarious. Consequently, darkness is pervading over the earth. Subsequently America is going down a path of a slippery slope, seemingly of no recourse. In fact, Scriptures forewarn us in the Latter days some shall depart from the Faith giving heed to seducing spirit and doctrine of devils (Apostasy) Regrettable, in recently times the Church has had our share falling giants in the Body of Christ. Probably you may be saying these Ministers had a lapse of judgement (1 Timothy 4:1-2) These perilous signs are a precursor of the coming of the Lord. To say some of our Spiritual Leaders and others had a lapse of judgement is an understatement.
Character is essential to Leadership
Conventional wisdom says good moral judgement and Character is essential to Leadership (its Leadership 101) especially in unstable world in that we reside. Whether in the pulpits of America or in the Oval Office of the United States, we should aspire for a higher moral standard. Unfortunately, politically and spiritually our nation is experiencing a crisis, and free falling in our respective narrative of our sphere of influence, in this ubiquitous world in that we populate. Unequivocally as Americans we live in extraordinary technological advance world, especially with Artificial Intelligence at our fingertips at a nano-second seemingly we’re appear invincible. the Bible is contrary to popular, we ought to look through the lens from God’s perspective (see Revelation 3:17-18) in essence America is devoid of morality clarity, which we’re going at a slow erosion, chiefly when it comes to moral judgement and character maturation. One of many saving grace we take for granted since we’ve acclaimed our Independence from Britain over 245-year history. Coincidentally as I am penning this article, as we just celebrated July 4th weekend of our Independence from Great Britain. Frankly it’s colossal milestone, to say the lease.
Global Impact
The United States is the quintessential nation that is a symbol to the other nations of our freedom of religion and Democracy. America also known for its culture of diversity and equal opportunity to aspire for the great American dream which is unprecedent at this juncture and time. Notwithstanding, that’s why we need more conservative Leaders in the conduit of the geopolitical pipeline with high Moral Character. From the Hierarchy of the Presidency to “Joe the Plumber”. A perfect example of this was Abraham Lincoln who was not just ambitious but to continue to excel as a leader a higher moral character and make tough decisions in the face of adversity. That’s what Trailblazers do. That also should be true, especially in the Evangelicals Christians arena as well.
Is it too late to redeem America?
I emphatically believe nothing is impossible with God. As I mentioned I radically believe if God can restore the nation of Israel in a day; frankly restoring America is not out of the realm of possibility. The devil and the pessimist are wrong about America being irredeemable. God have given The Body of Christ the antidote to reverse our course and redeem the time and ourselves from the judgement of God.––The Scripture declares: “If my people which are call by name shall humble ourselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin, and heal their Land” I pray this preceding reference of Scripture is not a cliché with the reader (2 Chronicles 7:14). May God raise up some true intercessors and Revivalists who will stem the tide of God’s Judgement on America. Mario Murillo who coined the following phrase that is so accurate. “For there to be spiritual awakening, there need to be a rude awakening” Realistically we’re Living in some sobering times, there are two major wars that are happening simultaneously. And we’re on the brink of World War III. Unconvertable, the Body of Christ need to discern the signs of the Times. This is a proverbial question need to be answer: If not now, when?