America Authoritarian Nation?

April 5, 2024


         Is it fair to ask a political and a philosophical question that may provoke your sense of woke. Frankly, is it too Late for America to reverse its course from becoming authoritarian nation? Unequivocally, the Declaration of Independence was instituted on July 4, 1776, by our Founders. That is based on Judeo Christian Principles. Furthermore, it states that we’re emphatically endowed by our Creator that all men are created equal and the right to pursue happiness… Regrettable America has abandoned some of those principles that are symbolically of our democracy. Unequivocally, I totally agree with Barbara McQuade, who wrote ” America democracy is undergoing a slow erosion, invisible in real time but devastating as a metastasizing cancer.” As I’ve mentioned we have departed from some those tenets that made America Democratic and the quintessential nation on the planet, and to be candid we’re on the edge of becoming Authoritarian nation. For example, former president Donald Trump is vying for a second term in the White House in November of the 2024 presidential election. And his aimed is to take the US down an authoritarian path which is a slippery slope and detrimental to our democracy.

Consequently, Donald Trump who instigated the “Big Lie” that sparked a torrent of disinformation about the 2020 Presidential Election, he alleged was fraudulently stolen from him by Joe Biden. As a result, he egged on his followers, that led to the January 6  revolt of the United States Capitol Building. Undeniable, many lives were trampled to death which was alarming and barbaric. In additionally eight lives were lost in the process of this heinous tragedy.

 Today many Republican Politicians are keeping silent and unashamedly, refusing to denounce President Trump on the notion of his authoritarian tactics who refused to relinquish power. I emphatically believe the Republican Party Politicians in Washington DC, needs to do some soul searching to be a part of the solution, rather than being part of the conspiracy. Because it’s a sad commentary that there’s no evidence or proof to such of Donald Trump incredulous conspiracy theories–That the election was stolen from the former President. January 6th was not only horrific, but it was a dark episode and forever will be etched into our memory of those who are clear eyed and discernible to the unbiased truth of the “Big Lie.”

Paradoxically, throughout History, it’s typical to say most politicians are very persuasive and has a mastery, whom are skilled communicators, in getting their message across. Unfortunately, some politicians utilize their messaging for nefarious purposes to manipulate and to control the public to achieve their purpose. When you think of such Leaders and nations; former or present that are associated with authoritarianism regimes. Like a Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler of Germany. And Mussolini who was a fascist dictator in Italy which he was allied with Nazi Germany in World War II. And today in our modern times–Vladmir Putin of Russia who was former KGB of Officer. And Kim Jong Un of Korea–These are leaders that epitomize tyranny and fascism that symbolism of dictatorship whom Rules with an iron fist to control their subjects. I emphatically agree with Confucius–the Eastern Philosopher who said: ‘’For a society to be good, its ruler must be the embodiment of the virtues he wishes to see in his subjects; in turn the people will be inspired through loyalty and respect to emulate those virtues.” 

Contrary to popular belief, one of the many caricatures of an Authoritarian leader, (a renegade) who utilizes his persona consciously to propagate his agenda. Consequently, throughout history Authoritarian’s used propaganda and disinformation to control the population and to undermine general conscious of Law and their society by throwing a few red herrings into the mix to the antithesis of the mainstream media. Another one of the Authoritarian tactics, is to also utilize rhetoric and disinformation to persuade the populace to his way of thinking. For example, the nation is falling apart and going to hell in a hand-basket and he’s the only one that’s able and adept to fix the dilemma. When Donald Trump says: “Make America Great Again” In retrospect: he’s also looking back to the past to the good ole days. When Anglo-Saxons men wield absolute power who were in total control and the oppression of minorities and a contempt towards women who were subjugated under their control. I strongly believe electing former President Trump to second term in the upcoming presidential election in November of 2024 will truly be the end of the American Democracy as we once knew it, especially when good men keep silent–evil will persist! 



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