Holy Spirit & End the Times

September 4, 2019

As we approach the imminent return of Christ, (The rapture) we totally need to rely on the Leadership of the Holy Spirit, especially in these ominous times. As we’re Living in this epoch, (the apocalypse) we must be more discerning, that we don’t allow the devil to manipulate and distract us from the purpose of God. The more we know the word of God and our spiritual inheritance in Christ, we won’t be so easily be manipulated by the adversary. And as I alluded above, being led of the Holy Spirit is paramount in these turbulent times. However, If we seldom commune or talk with the Holy Spirit, needless to say, He plays a secondary role in our life or on our to-do-list. In fact, we need to spend our time more wisely that we don’t allow the enemy to steal our time, which is a great commodity in these challenging times. That’s why it’s so important that we need to be vigilant, and to be led by the Holy Spirit, not just on major decisions. But also how we spend our time with family, friends, and our on social media. Bible declares: As many are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

Not only should you be led of the Spirit of God, but we should get acquainted in knowing the person of the Holy Spirit on a deeper and on a personal level; instead on the peripheral. In contrast, the adversary [the devil] knows his time is expiring, hence he’s going around like a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour. Notwithstanding, as sons and daughters (warriors) of God, we are supposed to be ruling and reigning with Christ in this life. Because we know who we are in Christ, regarding our spiritual authority. And how to utilize the Sword of the Spirit with the unction and the leading of the Holy Spirit; against the wiles of the devil. Consequently, in the first epistle of John, he wrote: we overcome the wicked one, the adversary of our soul; because we are strong and the Word of God abide in you. (1John 2:14). It’s obvious in these challenging times that it’s advantageous, that we spend time getting to know the person of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is our Paraclete, called alongside of us in the place of Jesus, who ascended at the right hand of the Father. The greek word for Paraclete is [parakletos] which translate: Counselor, Helper, Comforter, or Advocate… on our behalf before (John 14:26). These characteristics or function of His personality is conducive to help us to accomplish the will and the destiny of God. So it behooves us to get to know the Holy Spirit and know what grieve Him or what cause Him to manifest His presence. Similar, like any other relationship, the more the individuals spend time with each other the more they will know and simulate each other mannerism on cue. Likewise the same is true with the Holy Spirit. Whether the Holy Spirit, whisper or you hear His voice audibly it’s vital that you don’t allow anyone or anything to hinder, or sabotage your relationship with Holy Spirit. The Bible declares in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils… like never before we need the discernment of the Holy Spirit to distinguish truth from heresy (1 Timothy 4:1-2).

It’s unequivocally, that I can’t overemphasize the importance of knowing the third person of the trinity (Holy Spirit). It doesn’t matter what your status, whether you’re a layman or part of the fivefold Ministry gift- It’s imperative that we know and follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit in these daunting and perilous times that we’re experiencing on planet earth. The Bible affirms in the latter days, lawlessness and iniquity shall abound. Just turn on your TV set on, seemingly on any given day, you’ll see the carnage and the atrocities of mass shootings in the United States seemingly it has become frequent on a regular basis. In fact, gun violence has caused some of us to be desensitized to the chaos of mass shootings in America.

The Leaders in the Body of Christ, we shouldn’t be apologetic or compromise with the clarion Word of Lord, in these unsettling times. The sakes are too high, regrading the soul of men being lost for eternity. I’m aware that I’m about to iterating what I just said above, however, but it bears repeating. The Bible: forewarned us in the latter times, men will not adhere to sound doctrine, rather they will follow Teachings after their itching ears…and follow after their own lust… (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Conversely, the Word of God asserts: when the Holy Spirit comes, He will guide us into all true…(John 16:13-14)

However, the more we know the WORD, along with the Spirit of God guiding us, the less susceptible we’ll be to the tactics, the deception, and the manipulation of the devil. The Apostle Paul also forewarned us not to be ignorant of the devil’s devices, especially in precarious times. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Frankly, in order for us to be discerning the truth from the deception of the devil, we must spend quality time in the unadulterated word of God and fellowship with the Holy Spirit so that we’ll be synchronize and acumen to the pulse of the Spirit of God. Like the sons of Issachar. As a result, so that we may differentiate between the real from the counterfeit of the devil. For example, the occult, witchcraft, the spirit of divination and other false religion are prevalent and rising in this dark hour. Bewitching many unsuspecting non-Christian and some Christians as well, for their very souls. (See Acts16: 16-18) Consequently, for such a time as this, the Church cannot afford to take the path of least resistance. For the Body of Christ to be relevant in this dark hour. We need to courageous and contend with the devil for the souls of men, that are hanging in the balance for their eternal destiny.

Consequently, we also need to be like the five wise virgins who were anticipating and waiting for the Bridegroom to make His imminent appearance. However, He tarried and yet they still were not disillusioned. They were vigilant and filled with the Holy Ghost and they had their lamps trimmed and burning for the Lord of Host. Today likewise we should vigilant as well and to be ready at a moment notice for our beloved Bridegroom to appear, who is our Blessed Hope.



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