The Amour of God Part 1
Unequivocally, the armor of God is one of the most vital defensive and offensive weapon made for the Christian Believer to survive any spiritual attack by the adversary of our soul. I can’t overemphasize enough the importance of putting on the whole armor of God everyday whether its uneventful day, or especially when you’re at all out war with the adversary. Although spiritual warfare is inevitable in our Christian pilgrimage with God. However, we need to be balanced in the context of our doctrine line upon line, precept upon precept. We don’t want to be preoccupied, or being devil conscience per se, that we magnify the devil more than what he really is, that would be part of his tactics and schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). Paul the Apostle Who wrote: And having spoiled principalities and power, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Colossians 2:15). Therefore the enemy is a defeated foe, through Cross of Christ. As Saints of God, we just need to know who we are in Christ and exercise our authority over the devil, instead of being a causality of war (Luke 10:19).
As I lulled above the Amour of God is paramount, especially in these perilous times, at the imminent return of Christ. However, the Bible declares that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God…(2 Corinthians 10:4-5). Consequently, Paul also admonished us to be strong in the LORD, and the power of His might and to put on the whole Amour of God, that you may be able stand against the wiles of the devil. Because we wrestled not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness… (Ephesians 6:10-18) Unless we take the thoughts of the enemy captive, that are contrary to the Word of God, they will take us captive.
The first piece of the Amour is the Loin Belt of truth which is imperative that we should gird up the loin of our mind. Our loins, is where our reproductive organs is located, and it is connected to our mind that is in sync with your loins. As a Believer you must be vigilant, because the adversary the devil seeking whom he may devour. Undeniably, we must guard our mind, especially in any weak areas that the devil can get access and manipulate you to keep you bound and defeated. Therefore our minds need to be renew in the Word of God and we should be careful what you allow to filter through our minds. Whether it be profanity, or immorality. For example: if you watch pornography in any of the following mediums; Magazine, Movies, TV, or via the internet it will have a profound affect on you mentally, spiritually as well as reproductive family lineage. Unless you bind the devil and cease and desist, it will become a stronghold and it will also effect your bloodline and generations to come (Exodus 34:7).
Secondly, the next piece of the armor of God is the Breastplate of Righteousness. Not only does the Breastplate of righteousness protect your vital organs, but the Breastplate of Righteousness is also a weapon. Probably you’re asking how can the Breastplate of Righteousness be a weapon? Through the redemption of the Cross we became the righteousness of Christ, and the more we become conscientious of our Righteousness of Christ, we become Bold as a lion and our Breastplate of Righteousness will shine brightly, similar to the Roman solider’s who polish their Breast breastplate that meticulously shine brightly. From a spiritual perspective, likewise, our Breastplate is also known as the armor of light shine bright in this sinful and dark world. Consequently, our Breastplate of Righteousness has a profoundly impact the kingdom of darkness in the realm of spirit. Let me reiterate our Christian armor is also known as the armor of light, our light will pierce the darkness, especially when our life is exemplary to the Word of God. (Romans 13:12).
Thirdly, putting on the shoes is not only we shod our feet shod with the gospel of peace. In fact, when you think of the Roman Solider and his amor, they’re not just defensive, but they’re also offensive as well. His shoes are dangerously spiked to crush the enemy. This preceding Scripture succinctly captures the essence in a nutshell. Primarily purpose of the shoes. And for the God of peace will shortly crush Satan under your feet…(Romans 16:20). In spiritual combat, from a prophetic perspective, every piece of the armor is very important. Especially when you know how to utilize each piece of our armor which is paramount in spiritual warfare. Instead of being a victimized by the devil, on the contrary when knowing our authority in Christ, Satan will have no dominion over us. And we shall rule and reign with Christ in this life, what He originally intended for us, the Believer.