Threats to American Democracy

February 23, 2024

Whether you know it wittingly or unwittingly it appears that some of American people are oblivious to the threats to our American democracy which is in jeopardy. For the longest time, America was known as the symbol of democracy and the freedom and a democratic society, for over two half centuries. This is attributed to America which was built on Judeo-Christian principles that our Founders built this great nation upon. Although America is diverse in Faith and a pluralistic society, unfortunately we’ve adopted some paganistic values along the way. Regrettably, one of many contributing factors for American decline, we’ve abounded some of our Christian Principles that made US great. Today as a result, we have become vulnerable and teetering on the brink of collapse. 

As I mentioned there are several threats to our American democracy, as we once knew it. The rise of Authoritarian power in Government, especially when economics, social, political and religious simultaneously feel that they have been left behind. The Proceeding illustration is a perfect example of this, the January 6th, 2020, revolt in Washington, DC.  Let’s not forget that day that is etch in history. When Donald Trump who was antagonistic towards Joe Biden Legitimacy Presidency. He inspired many of his followers to march down to the Capital Building who tried to overturn the 2020 election result. There’s a saying that affirms that sentiment “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” When you think authoritarianism Germany and Adolf Hitler who comes to mind. Consequently, he was absolute a dictator, which is so difficult to fathom why America want to go down this path of autocracy.

         Another threat to our American Democracy is not just authoritarianism, but it’s also the deterioration our civil liberties. More specifically our first Amendment rights, the freedom of speech which is slowly eroding our independence as a society and a nation. Probably you’re saying why the American People are so [oblivious] to the propaganda and the power struggle between our government and who are using censorship and surveillance to monitor our every move. Whether it be our Smart Phone, Television or the GPS in our Cars. However, the Protection of our civil liberties is our right and freedom as a democratic society.

         One of the areas that directly affect me as a Christians is the freedom of religion. In fact, to express my belief, especially in these turbulent times. As a Believer, it’s no time to compromise, or to be politically correct or to succumb to the will of authoritarianism. But to declare unadulterated and the Clarion WORD of God to impact every sphere of influence in our society.  Unequivocally, I understand as the time gets close to the imminent return of Christ, the devil will try to turn up the heat and try to manipulate events, circumstances and individuals to his advantage. Notwithstanding we’re the salt and light in the earth as God’s Ambassadors for Christ. I refuse to be silent; these are some exciting times to be a Christian.

Probable you may be thinking that I’m looking through the lens of rose-colored classes. Quite the Contrary I’m optimums and a man of Faith, who believe in first and foremost in the infallible Word of God. Secondly, I also strongly believe in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration asserts that all individuals are endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty and the pursue of happiness. Despite America is heading down a slippery slope towards authoritarianism and a Donald Trump Presidency would hasten the decline. Nevertheless, I still believe in the Sovereignty of God and that America is due for a spiritual awakening (2 Chronicles 7:14). Frankly, in the Hierarchy of the Government of the Church of Jesus Christ it may take a rude awakening the sleeping giant (Church) nevertheless the King hearts is in the hand of the LORD … (Proverbs 21:1). This coming November whoever is President my fate is in the hand of the Lord not Donald Trump or whoever. Let me say this to the American People, be careful what you wish for–Lets go down memory lane for a minute: Remember Bill Clinton!



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