Will There Be A Revival In Boston

May 19, 2023

Satan is trying to destroy America with socialism under the guise of progress, and the city of Boston is a microcosm of a microcosm of our nation. Though there’s a church on every corner, Boston is cold to the Clarion inspired Word of God that would radically change the masses’ lives. Unfortunately some Believers preferred a three point sermonette, that produces passive Christianettes. The social gospel on every level is deceptive, and which will produce spiritual blindness. It’s not that the city of Boston Preachers are not capable of delivering sermons that will impact lives of their Parishioner. However, I strongly believe many are discouraged from retribution from the enemy and being ostracized. I also believe some Ministers don’t want to be on the fringe of being too spiritual or radical in their faith or die to their sacred cows.

Similar to the days Wililam Seymour at the turn of the 20th century, who had similar challenges as well; if not greater for an African American in that era, who lived in the south, who had to contend against racial injustice. However, some churches we exception, who exemplify the love of Christ, that helped Seymour to formulate the doctrine of Christ. which became aboundley clear in the redemptive plan of Christ, that there wasn’t any class, color barrier, despite the challenges and the harding of racial tension in the south–He was truly a catalysis in the early days of 1906. 

    For Boston to experience a Spiritual awakening, the leaders of Boston must step out of mediocrity, and step into radical Christianity to impact the sphere of their influence over our region and the city of Boston. As I mentioned earlier, this week there are some deep seated roots in the region that must be dismantled, then and only then can we experience a spiritual outpouring of the Holy Spirit that can take place in the city of Boston and the surrounding neighborhoods.

 I emphatically believe there’s a territorial spirit that rules over certain cities and regions which is a microcosm of our nations. Similar to the days of Daniel, the Prince of Persia contended with Daniel who sought the LORD, to understand what would take place with the destiny and people of Israel in the Latter days (Daniel 10:1-14). 

As I mentioned above there are certain spirits and principalities that rule over our region of a city. It’s a historical fact: one of the deep seated problems that has plagued Boston is institutional racism which is a cancer to the Body of Christ. It’s not as intense as it once was back in the decades of the1970s and the 1980s. Racism has subsided and we have made some progress over the years. However, the fact remains racism has affected every level of society, including the Church. Just like Seymour, Bishop Thompson is one of the main leaders in the inner cities of Boston who was also a catalyst and a visionary of a Church without walls who had made great strides during the decades of the 80’s and 90’s to impact Boston. Unfortunately the spiritual fervency  and vision have plateaued during the 21st Century.  

As diverse the city of Boston is racial and multicultural, regrettably on a Sunday morning it doesn’t reflect that in our respective churches.

Another spirit or culprit that has a grip on the church of Boston is the spirit of the python that the LORD has revealed to me which is hovering over the city of Boston that is choking the very life blood that causes spiritual blindness and indifference towards spiritual awakening. Consequently, it’s preventing the winds of revival from blowing away the spiritual darkness that pervades over the city of Boston. As a result, frankly we’ve replaced our spiritual fervency with humanistics ideology. There’s nothing wrong per se, with education,   Boston has tutes itself that we have two of the top two Schools in academia in the nation–Between Harvard and MIT. Notwithstanding, idolatry comes in many forms, which the spirit of the python slowly but surely will squeeze the breath of God out of our prayer life and our passion for God. The devil is cunning, he doesn’t care how intellectual we have become as long as we are Ignorant spiritually of his devices…That’s one of his forte to keep us blind spiritually ( 2 Corinthians 2:11).

Frankly, I believe in order for Boston to break the cycle of the spiritual drought, since the birth of our nation that was built over two hundred years ago, on Judeo-Christian principles which was  unprecedented. Nothing short of serious prayer and fasting for the city of Boston to be reformed, and the revival fires to be rekindled, especially in these sobering times that we live in (Joel 1:14). Unequivocally, similarly to Anna who was a forerunner and devoted her life to prayer and fasting night and day to ushering the birth of Christ. Which is the model of the International House of Prayer. May God raise up true Intercessors, Revivlist, Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles, to sound the alarm and to pray to change the course of our destiny and to heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). I truly like the way Mario Murillo coined this phrase; it resonates and underscores the spiritual condition of Boston. “Before there can be awakening there needs to be a rude awakening.”  

Finally, to answer the question, will there be a revival in Boston? It all depends, how hungry are we for an outpour of the Holy Spirit? Just like Azusa street, it will take William Seymour’s of our day with an unquenchable fire. which will take committed remnant of believers who don’t care to be in the limelight, instead be on their knees with prayer and fastings however long it takes for the duration and the manifestation–with signs, wonders, and the miraculous.   



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